Music’s New Protection and Collection Experts
Every label, publisher, artist, and songwriter is missing royalties, whether they know it or not.
Why? Millions of new songs are uploaded to the music ecosystem weekly where they are streamed billions of times. Then, thousands of different services, platforms, societies and administrators attempt to match the streams to the rightful owners, all operating without an authoritative database of music ownership.
Errors and omissions in music ownership (master recording and publishing) are commonplace. In fact, up to 70% of all ownership data is incomplete or in error. The result, billions of dollars in royalties go unpaid or paid to the wrong party.
Who knows this? The majors know it, that’s why they invest so much into global registration, distribution, and rights management teams. Every day they audit, update, and enrich their data in the thousands of platforms, societies, and administrator databases. These teams collect up to 40% in royalties and earnings that would have potentially slipped through the cracks.
So how does an indie artist, songwriter, label, or publisher compete?
The Catalog Management, Recovery and Royalty Collection Agency of Award Winning Indie Labels, Publishers, Libraries, Artists, and Songwriters
A Stealth Team of Music Distribution, Publishing, Rights, and Licensing Executives; Experts in Tracking Music, Administering Licenses, Asserting Rights and Collecting Royalties
Our Team is Your Team
We programmatically deliver an ongoing cadence of accurate and timely catalog updates enabling proper ownership attribution and royalty payments.
We monitor and audit global music services, video, and social media sites for unauthorized use and sampling of client’s music.
We work clients’ catalogs across recording, publishing, and neighboring rights delivering a crisp picture of usage and consolidating collections and payments.